M-K Blackened Fish

M-K Blackened Fish

The Blackened Fish recipe offers a burst of intense Cajun flavors, making it a treat for those who appreciate spicy and richly seasoned dishes. Using J.R. Mad’s Cajun Style Blackened Seasoning, the fish achieves a perfect charred exterior while retaining a moist and flaky inside. This dish is ideal for outdoor cooking events or gatherings. Pair it with a fresh salad or grilled veggies for a balanced, flavorful meal.

Cajun Blackened Fish


  1. Generously sprinkle J.R. Mad’s Cajun Style Blackened Seasoning on both sides of the fish fillets and let them sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Lightly grease an iron skillet with oil and preheat it on high.
  3. Once the skillet is very hot, add the seasoned fillets.
  4. Cook the fillets for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes on each side. Ensure you’re in a well-ventilated area or outdoors when blackening.

Marion-Kay Ingredients