Creole Corn

Creole Corn

Creole Corn is a savory and comforting dish with a touch of Creole flavor. The combination of sweet whole kernel corn, tangy tomatoes, and a blend of seasonings, including M-K Seasoned Salt, M-K Ground White Pepper, and M-K Oregano Flakes, creates a rich and flavorful dish that’s both hearty and satisfying.

The sautéed onions and the roux (flour and margarine mixture) add depth and thickness to the dish, making it a perfect side to complement various main courses.

The final touch of grated cheese adds a creamy and cheesy element that enhances the overall taste and texture of Creole Corn. This dish is perfect for gatherings or as a comforting side for a weeknight dinner.

Enjoy Creole Corn as a delicious way to add a touch of Creole cuisine to your table, bringing warmth and flavor to your meal.



  1. In a saucepan, sauté the chopped onion in margarine until the onion becomes translucent.
  2. Stir in the flour to create a roux, and cook for a minute or two, stirring continuously.
  3. Add the whole kernel corn, cooked and drained tomatoes, M-K Seasoned Salt, M-K Ground White Pepper, and M-K Oregano Flakes to the saucepan. Mix well.
  4. Cook the mixture on low heat, stirring continuously, until it thickens.
  5. Add the grated cheese to the mixture and continue to heat until the cheese is fully melted and the Creole Corn is well combined.
  6. Serve the Creole Corn hot as a delicious and flavorful side dish.

Marion-Kay Ingredients