Cinnamon Crunch Topping

Cinnamon Crunch Topping

Cinnamon Crunch Topping is a delectable addition to various baked goods, delivering a perfect blend of sweet, cinnamon-spiced goodness with a satisfying crunch. This topping features M-K Ground Cinnamon, brown sugar, nuts, and other ingredients that complement a variety of desserts.

Whether you’re dressing up a coffee cake, muffins, or a classic cinnamon roll, this topping brings warmth and sweetness to your creations. The brief broiling time under the heat source caramelizes the sugar, creating a crispy, golden texture that contrasts beautifully with the softness of your baked goods.

Use this Cinnamon Crunch Topping to add a burst of flavor and texture to your favorite treats. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for enhancing a wide range of desserts and elevating them to a new level of deliciousness.



  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the brown sugar, M-K Ground Cinnamon, flour, soft margarine, chopped nuts, milk or light cream, and M-K Pure Vanilla Extract. Mix until well combined.

To Use as a Topping

  1. Spread the topping mixture over the top of a warm 13 x 9 x 2-inch cake.
  2. Place the cake under the broiler, about 3 inches from the heat source.
  3. Broil for 2 to 3 minutes or until the topping is golden brown and bubbly.

Marion-Kay Ingredients