Baked Custard

Baked Custard

Baked Custard is a classic, creamy dessert that promises comfort in every spoonful. With its velvety texture and delicate vanilla essence, each bite melts in the mouth, providing a sweet, subtle satisfaction. The light sprinkling of M-K Ground Nutmeg offers an aromatic hint that elevates the dish, while the optional flavor extracts offer a chance to customize the custard to your palate. Whether served in a large dish or individual cups, this dessert is perfect for both everyday indulgence and special occasions.

Egg Custard



  1. Start by slightly beating the eggs in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add sugar and salt to the beaten eggs, mixing well.
  3. Slowly incorporate the scalded milk and M-K Pure Vanilla Extract, ensuring a smooth blend.
  4. For a large serving, pour the mixture into a 3 qt buttered baking dish and bake at 325° for 1 hour.
  5. Alternatively, pour the mixture into individual buttered cups. Place these cups in a pan filled with 1 cup of water. Bake at a temperature range of 300° to 325° for 45 to 55 minutes.
  6. After baking, lightly sprinkle M-K Ground Nutmeg on top as a garnish.
  7. If desired, add variations with 1 tsp of M-K Lemon True Extract or M-K Cocoanut Flavor.

Marion-Kay Ingredients