Molasses Candy

Molasses Candy

Molasses Candy offers a nostalgic trip back to simpler times with its deep, rich flavor profile of brown sugar and sorghum molasses. This old-fashioned treat has a chewy texture that’s enhanced by the warmth of M-K Pure Vanilla Extract and a touch of tang from the vinegar. The baking soda adds an interesting twist, lightening the color and texture of the candy as it’s pulled. Perfect for festive occasions, sharing with friends, or relishing on a cold winter evening, Molasses Candy is a delightful treat that showcases the timeless appeal of molasses-based sweets.

Molasses Candy



  1. In a large saucepan, combine brown sugar, sorghum molasses, butter, M-K Pure Vanilla Extract, and vinegar.
  2. Mix the ingredients well and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Continue boiling until the mixture hardens when a small amount is dropped into cold water.
  4. Once it reaches this stage, stir in the baking soda. The mixture will become lighter in color.
  5. Pour the molten candy into a greased tin and let it cool slightly.
  6. As soon as the candy is cool enough to handle but still warm, begin pulling it until it becomes white and firm in texture.
  7. Stretch and shape the candy into long sticks, and then cut them into one-inch lengths.

Marion-Kay Ingredients