Apple Cinnamon Sauce

Apple Cinnamon Sauce

Apple Cinnamon Sauce is a delightful concoction that brings together the creamy goodness of vanilla yogurt with the sweet and tangy essence of apple sauce. The added spices, cinnamon and nutmeg, provide a warm and aromatic touch, making every bite feel comforting. It’s a versatile sauce that can elevate the taste of your breakfast treats like waffles and pancakes. Its smooth texture combined with a hint of spice ensures that it complements, rather than overpowers, the taste of your dish. Whether it’s a lazy Sunday morning or a festive breakfast spread, this sauce promises to be a crowd-pleaser!

Apple Cinnamon Sauce



  1. In a small bowl, combine the vanilla yogurt, M-K Ground Cinnamon, apple sauce, and M-K Ground Nutmeg.
  2. Stir the mixture until smooth and well combined.
  3. Place the sauce in the refrigerator to chill.
  4. Once chilled, it’s ready to serve. Best paired with waffles or pancakes.

Marion-Kay Ingredients


$ 6.00$ 18.00

Nutmeg, Ground

$ 6.00